Monday, January 31, 2011

Description: On Campus

LBCC is full of them. Every student has encountered it. There is one by every building and even the learning center. The deep dark channel of concrete and dust. its not everyone's favorite place to be, but people feel the heart felt will of not taking the easy way out when they use it. Though it doesn't take long to enter and exit we all feel it. People feel the burning and feel free to ignore it because it needs to be done. It is a great way to exercise if you are willing to take that challenge. If we are in a hurry its easier than waiting in a line for another passage to get where we need to be. We hear the active sounds of footsteps in the hollow area, and try escaping the fallen piece of fresh gum. It is not quite the cleanest place to be, for people regret ever putting down their bag just to tie a shoe. We feel the tense urge to get to the bottom or the top as for the mystery that could be lingering around the corner. We know that success is almost accomplished with every step we take. Success.

1 comment:

  1. Very good discription to a very dirty place. I too have noticed that the stair wells on campus need some hardy cleaning.
